Simple Image Galery in PHP - Example

This post is a different from others post. because in this example i will use PHP language to create very simple Image Galery.

The code will get list from image directory, and the build a image tag element in html to show the image. Very simple.

Lets see the example.

The  Project list Folder and file

The PHP File 

        <h1>Image Gallery</h1>       
        <div style="width:640px;">
            //change directory to image stored location
            //if image is at another server try to do like this
            //$dir = 'http://<server ip address>/<location at server>'
            //make sure image is accessible
            $dir    = 'Images';
            $files1 = scandir($dir);          
            foreach ($files1 as $value) {
                if(strtoupper(explode('.', $value)[1]) == "JPG"){//make sure image is JPG or just remove this filter                                  
                    echo "<img src=\"";
                    echo $dir ;
                    echo "\\";
                    echo $value ;
                    echo "\" width=\"200px\" ";
                    echo "height=\"200px\" ";
                    echo " />";
                    echo "<br/>";                          

The Output

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