SqlClient Read Data in database using SqlDataReader - C#

This tutorial show how to read database using SqlDataReader in database using SqlClient driver to connect to database.

Read here to read data in database and pass to DataTable

Requirement in this tutorial are :

  1. using System.Data.SqlClient;
  2. using System.Data;

The Example Read Data using SqlDataReader :

            DataSet dataSetTable = new DataSet();
            SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection("<connection string>");
            SqlCommand dbComm = new SqlCommand("<sql statement or procedure name>", dbConn);
            SqlDataReader dbReader;
            //set command type is procedure if you are using store procedure
            //else remove this line
            dbComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                dbReader = dbComm.ExecuteReader();
                if (dbReader.HasRows) //check if reader have any row
                    while (dbReader.Read())
                        //the process to read will be place here.
                        //every looping will read for each row return to dbReader
                        var valueRowForColumn = dbReader["<column Name>"];
                    //do something if no row return
            catch (SqlException sqlEx)

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