How to create mysql connection in php

 The example will show how to create connection to MySQL database using "mysql_connect" or "mysqli_connect" . The mysql_connect has been deprecated. Read here for more information.

The  DbUtil Class


final class DbUtil {
    public static $dbHost ;
    public static $dbUser ;
    public static $dbPass ;

    public function __construct() { 
        self::$dbHost = "<host name>";
        self::$dbUser = "<user name db>";
        self::$dbPass = "<pasword db>";

   public static function getDbConnectionMySQL() {     
        return mysql_connect(self::$dbHost, self::$dbUser, self::$dbPass); //Connect to the databasse       
    public static function getDbConnectionMySQLi() {     
        return mysqli_connect(self::$dbHost, self::$dbUser, self::$dbPass); //Connect to the databasse       


How to use Example

1. Create php file name index to test the class
2. copy paste this code and try to run in browser using xamp / any web server install with php


$dbClass = new DbUtility();
$db = $dbClass->getDbConnectionMySQLi();
if (mysqli_connect_errno($db)) {
    echo '<br/>Failed to Connect to Database' . mysqli_connect_error();
} else {
    echo '<br/>successfully create connection with "mysqli_connect"';

$db1 = $dbClass->getDbConnectionMySQL();
if (mysql_error($db1)) {
    echo '<br/>Failed to Connect to Database' . mysqli_connect_error();
} else {
    echo '<br/>successfully create connection with "mysql_connect"';

The Output

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