Decimal Manipulation in C#
This post will show manipulation on the Data Type Decimal.
By Mohd Zulkamal
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//This is the hard code value for decimal
//without suffic m or M, the compiler thread the object as a double hence will cause error
decimal price = 10.1654M;
//Convert decimal to double
double priceInDouble = Convert.ToDouble(price); //output : 10.1654
priceInDouble = (double)price;//output : 10.1654
//convert to double with 2 decimal point,
priceInDouble = Math.Round((double)price, 2); // output : 10.17
//convert back to decimal
price = Convert.ToDecimal(priceInDouble);//output : 10.17
price = (decimal)priceInDouble;//output : 10.17
//convert decimal to currency. The currency format will depend on the region,
//like myself in malaysia compiler will automatically give "RM" as a currency format
string currency = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C}", price); //output :RM10.17
currency = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C2}", price); //output :RM10.17 ,2 decimal point
currency = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C3}", price); //output :RM10.170 , 3 decimal point
currency = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C4}", price); //output :RM10.1700 ,4 decimal point
By Mohd Zulkamal
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