Example Lock Dataset in C#

This is an example of how to lock your database or prevent data in the dataset to changed (read-only dataset).

In a large web application, you may have a reference table in the database, and the application no need to read on the reference table every time the application needs to get a reference. You can store the reference table in cache memory. But you afraid that the data might accidentally  changed by your code. This is the way to make your dataset lock / read-only.

Lock Dataset method

  /// <summary>   
/// Makes the given DataSet read-only
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ds">DataSet</param>
public static void LockDataSet(DataSet ds)
// Do not lock null
if (ds == null)
EventHandler locked = (sender, e) =>
string msg = String.Format("DataSet '{0}' cannot be modified, it is read-only.", ds.DataSetName);
throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
// Prevent table modification
foreach (DataTable t in ds.Tables)
t.RowChanging += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(locked);
t.RowDeleted += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(locked);
t.ColumnChanging += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(locked);
t.TableClearing += new DataTableClearEventHandler(locked);
t.TableNewRow += new DataTableNewRowEventHandler(locked);

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